

发表于:2025-03-27 作者:奥丁
茶饮趋势编辑 2025年03月27日最后更新咖啡萃取不足是什么原因<,关注咖评(微信公众号 vdailycom ) 发现美好咖啡馆 开一家自己的小店萃取不足(Under-extracted Coffee)萃取不足是指没有将咖啡粉中足够多的风味物质溶解出来,咖啡粉中依然有
茶饮趋势编辑 2025年03月27日最后更新咖啡萃取不足是什么原因。

  关注咖评(微信公众号 vdailycom ) 发现美好咖啡馆 开一家自己的小店

萃取不足(Under-extracted Coffee



Under-extracted Coffee

Under-extraction occurs when you haven't taken enough flavour out of the coffee grinds. There's still a lot left behind that could balance out the following undesirables.

Cast your mind to a shot of espresso that was far too short; a ristretto of a typical Specialty espresso roast. It's sour, lacking sweetness, weirdly salty and has a disappointingly quick finish. These four things are the most obvious indicators of under-extraction. Let's go through them in a little more detail.



This is a tricky one, especially with our desire for acidity in coffee. I hear lots of people ask "Aren't sourness and acidity the same thing?" and it's a very valid question; in a lot of languages 'sourness' is the same word as 'acidity'. As you can imagine, this makes multilingual cuppings a little difficult.


To clear this up, I always define sourness as being negative. A sour flavour hits you quickly and aggressively. It creates an immediate physiological reaction, you might pucker your lips or it might feel electric or sharp on the sides of the tongue. Sourness is undesirable and distracting.

无论何时我讨论酸(acidity),它既可能是好的也可能是不好的。更恰当地说,它是一个风味范畴同时包含了正面和负面的特性。举个例子,"那杯咖啡的酸非常让人愉悦"(That coffee's acidity isdelightful)和"那杯咖啡的酸非常尖锐"(That coffee's acidity isvery sour)这两种说法对我来说都说得通。酸(Acidity)里包含了尖酸(sour)/果汁般的酸(juicy)/明亮的酸(bright)/刺激的酸(tart)等诸多内容。关于酸(acidity)我还有很多很多内容可写,不过本周的内容主要是关于萃取,酸的话题姑且打住。

Whenever I talk about acidity it can be either good or bad. It's more of a category of flavour than a positive or negative attribute. Example: "That coffee's acidity is delightful" or "That coffee's acidity is very sour" are both logical to me. Acidity is the umbrella under which lies all sour/juicy/bright/tart things. I could write volumes about acidity, but this week is all about extraction. Back to it.

缺少甜感(Lacking Sweetness

在我看来,咖啡风味里最重要的一个方面就是它的"甜感"。甜感即是奥义。你可曾听过有人抱怨过"这杯 espresso太甜了"?你尽可好好想一想。我深信我们应该始终追寻甜感。它是我所追求的终极目标,想要实现是非常困难的,不过一旦你达到你将获得超乎想象的回报。萃取不足是没有甜感的,且与之相去甚远。萃取不足总是会留下一些空洞的感觉让你无法满足,喝了一杯后会觉得"远远不够"。缺乏甜感的一个好处就是它会使尖酸(sourness)更加容易辨识,从而使萃取不足更容易被发现。

Lacking Sweetness -
In my opinion, the most important aspect to a coffee's flavour is its sweetness. Sweetness is the best. Have you ever heard someone say 'this espresso is too sweet!'? Think about that for a second. I strongly believe that we should always be chasing sweetness. It's my holy grail: something that's really difficult to find and stupendously rewarding once you get it. Under-extraction isn't sweet. It's far from it. It almost always displays an emptiness that leaves you with an unsatisfying 'I-want-more' feeling after drinking. The good thing about this lack of sweetness is that it also accentuates the sourness, making under-extraction much more obvious.



Salty -
Not everyone agrees with me here, but I'll argue til I'm red in the face that under-extracted coffee is salty. It's not quite 'sorry I added table salt' salty, but under-extracted coffee almost always has the mouthfeel and/or taste of saltiness. From a tactile point of view, it's kind of similar to the slipperiness you get from alkalinity (Don't go and drink ammonia to learn this one. Just trust me).


#PocketScience - Acids and Salts are more soluble than Sugars. This is why an under-extracted coffee is sour and salty - the sugars haven't had enough time or chances to dissolve completely just yet. [citation needed]

余韵短暂(Quick Finish



A well extracted coffee has a finish that lingers for minutes (or hours if you're lucky). This finish can feel as though someone has left dark brown sugar on your tongue, or as though you've just finished a toffee. Yum!

An under-extracted coffee doesn't have this finish. Once you swallow, it disappears straight away. You're not left with any pleasant lingering sensation. It's an abrupt and unsatisfying end to your coffee experience. Less Yum.



There are other flavours that indicate under-extraction, but these four are certainly the most obvious. Whenever you taste them, be sure that some part of your coffee is under-extracted!

Let's now cast our attention to the opposite end of Extraction Street.

2022-05-05 01:55:25