
精品咖啡协会sca咖啡证书与sca考试课程内容 sca咖啡师考试题下

发表于:2025-03-11 作者:奥丁
茶饮趋势编辑 2025年03月11日最后更新精品咖啡协会sca咖啡证书与sca考试课程内容 sca咖啡师考试题下<,专业咖啡知识交流 更多咖啡豆资讯 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style )ABOUT SCA The Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) is a nonp
茶饮趋势编辑 2025年03月11日最后更新精品咖啡协会sca咖啡证书与sca考试课程内容 sca咖啡师考试题下。

专业咖啡知识交流 更多咖啡豆资讯 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style )

  • ABOUT SCA The Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) is a nonprofit, membership-based association built on foundations of openness, inclusivity, and the power of shared knowledge. From coffee farmers to baristas and roasters, our membership spans the globe, encompassing every element of the coffee value chain. SCA acts as a unifying force within the specialty coffee industry and works to make coffee better by raising standards worldwide through a collaborative and progressive approach. Dedicated to building an industry that is fair, sustainable, and nurturing for all, SCA draws on years of insights and inspiration from the specialty coffee community. Vision To create an effective, authentic and dynamic organization to give voice and substance to the possibilities for specialty coffee worldwide. Mission Engage, inspire, and expand a sustainable global specialty coffee trade through leadership in events, education, and research. 关于SCA 专业咖啡协会(SCA)是一个以开放性和共享知识为基础的非营利协会。领域跨生产、制造到咖啡师,以多元、开放性的基础上,融合学术及技术,与全球志同道合的同好们共享知识。SCA作为咖啡行业的统一力量,致力于通过协作和渐进的方式提高全球的标准,使咖啡更加美味。致力于为咖啡事业建立一个稳定发展的未来。 愿景 建立一个有效、真实和活力的组织,为世界各地的咖啡业提供话语权和实质性。将世界各地咖啡爱好者的各种声音发扬出去。 任务 通过案件经验、教育和研究方面的领导力,扩展稳定的全球咖啡业贸易发展。 WHAT IS THE COFFEE DIPLOMA SYSTEM? alt The SCA Coffee Diploma is an education system aimed to meet the needs of coffee professionals everywhere. It is a controlled and certified system with a curriculum written and updated by the best minds in the coffee industry. It allows the coffee professional to sit courses and certifications at locations and times of their choosing, amassing credits each time a certification is successfully passed that count towards the full Coffee Diploma. 咖啡文凭系统是什么? 提供各式咖啡相关技术与精品豆品质的完整认证制度,借由确立严谨的选豆、烘培与冲煮标准,让每一杯香醇的咖啡得以在每一位爱好者手中完美而稳定的呈现。而 SCA 的教育体系,是为了各地专业咖啡人士量身打造的发展而成。课程品质都经过控管以及严谨的设计,同时也不断地更新课程大纲以求最新知识以及技能。认证课程以及考试包含了实务操作与基本常识。只要通过考核,合格修习完任ㄧ课程即可累积学分。 To achieve the full Coffee Diploma, 100 credits or more are required. The Introduction to Coffee module earns 10 points. Foundation level earns 5 credits, Intermediate earns 10 credits and Professional earns 25 credits. The Foundation level requires no previous experience. It is recommended that before attempting the Intermediate level you have some experience of working in the field. Extensive relevant experience is recommended before attempting to take the Professional level and it is compulsory to complete the Intermediate level for those wishing to pursue this higher level. 而在 SCA 的学分认证系统中,将咖啡技术共分为5大领域"生豆、研磨与萃取、咖啡师、感官、烘焙"、而每个领域又分为"基础Foundation、进阶Intermediate、专业Professional"3个等级,而学员只要合格修习100学分即可获得 SCA 的咖啡认证证书以及资格,而学分计算方式为: 基础课程为5学分,进阶课程为15学分,而专业课程为25学分。 假设您合格修习咖啡师基础以及进阶课程,方可取得20学分,以此类推。 ★★SCA Coffee Diploma- Barista 初中级认证课程★★ 课程大纲: ● 认识生豆与处理法 ● 认识熟豆与排气 ● 磨豆机研磨及如何进行微调整 ● 了解磨豆机热效应 ● 布粉的技巧 ● 浓缩咖啡萃取分析 ● 牛奶学及拉花 ● 设备的保养 ★★SCA Coffee Diploma- Brewing 初中级认证课程★★ 课程大纲: ● 咖啡基础知识 ● 咖啡冲煮方法指导 ● SCAE 金杯准则:萃取率与浓度的基础概念 ● 咖啡浓度测量的方式与原理 ● 咖啡冲煮的各式变因讨论 ● 了解研磨与烘焙对咖啡的影响 ● 萃取实作与校正 ★★ SCA Coffee Diploma- Sensory 初中级认证课程★★ 课程大纲: ● 味觉认知&开发 ● 嗅觉认知&开发 ● 风味描述技巧 ● 产区风味概论 ● 杯测能力建立、杯测表制作 ● 闻香瓶风味概论&运用 ● 杯测系统建立 ● 风味分析&变因探讨 ● 三角杯测运用&实践 ● 评鉴小组规划&运用 ★★ SCA Coffee Diploma- ROASTING 初中级认证课程★★ 课程大纲: ● 热的基本观念及运用 ● 咖啡烘焙的基本程序节奏 ● 烘焙度的定义 ● 热学探讨及如何运用于烘焙中 ● 烘焙过程的分析探讨 ● 烘焙过程相关的物理性质与化学变化解析 ● 烘焙机与烘焙相关设备 ● 烘焙工作场地管理 ★★ SCA Coffee Diploma- Green Coffee 初中级认证课程★★ 凡对sca精品咖啡协会认证、生豆知识、品种、处理法、加工技术、…等训练感兴趣的朋友,欢迎来上课!
2022-05-05 08:37:24