
尼加拉瓜圣费尔南多咖啡产区Finca La Cascada Microlot瀑布庄园

发表于:2025-04-01 作者:奥丁
茶饮趋势编辑 2025年04月01日最后更新尼加拉瓜圣费尔南多咖啡产区Finca La Cascada Microlot瀑布庄园<,专业咖啡知识交流 更多咖啡豆资讯 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style )瀑布庄园 卡杜拉 红蜜 Finca La Cascada Microlot Caturra Red Honey ■
茶饮趋势编辑 2025年04月01日最后更新尼加拉瓜圣费尔南多咖啡产区Finca La Cascada Microlot瀑布庄园。

专业咖啡知识交流 更多咖啡豆资讯 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style )

  • 瀑布庄园 卡杜拉 红蜜 Finca La Cascada Microlot Caturra Red Honey ■ 国家:尼加拉瓜 ■ 产区:圣费尔南多,新塞哥维亚 ■ 海拔:1200-1400米 ■ 处理方式:红蜜 ■ 等级:SHG ■ 品种:卡杜拉 ■ 风味描述:果干、龙眼干、香料、草本植物香气、枫糖甜 ■ 酸质:略酸★☆ Country: Nicaragua Location:San Fernando Valley, Nueva Segovia Department Altitude: 1200m-1400m Processing Method:Red honey processing Coffee Beans Grading:SHG Variety:Caturra Flavor Description:Dried fruit, dried longan, spices, herbal aroma, maple syrup sweetness Acidity:Slight Acidity★☆ 令人心旷神怡的草本香气和果干风味,一直是卡杜拉红蜜的迷人之处, 不论是浅焙或深焙,都能品尝出这款中美洲经典的层次口感, 独特的香气,清爽平衡,宛如聆听巴哈的第三号A小调大键琴曲。 瀑布庄园顾名思义,园中有一高达40米的天然瀑布座落其中, 生态多元完整,长期维护16公顷的顶级咖啡豆栽种面积, 以非洲式日晒棚架取代水泥地,准确掌握生豆的处理品质。 CHÔN的主人在喝这杯咖啡时总会说: "我想念在那里做梦挖掘哥伦布遗物的日子,它让我的咖啡有更多故事可说。" Dried longan flavor and herbal aroma have always been the charm of Caturra Red Honey Coffee, making people happy and relaxed. Whether it's a light or a dark roast, you can always feel this classic multi-level Central American texture, its unique aroma and refreshing balance makes you feel like you are listening to the Partita for piano n. 3 written by Johann Sebastian Bach. Finca La Cascada Microlot, as its name implies, has a natural waterfall with the height up to 40 meters. Diverse ecological integrity, long-term maintenance of 16 hectares planting area for top quality coffee beans, as well as African's concrete ground being replaced with African coffee drying bed- all of that accurately grasp the processing quality of the raw coffee beans. CHÔN's owner, when having this coffee will always say: "This coffee takes me back to the days when I was dreaming about digging out Columbus' relics, it makes my coffee have more stories to tell. "
2022-05-05 08:41:23