

发表于:2025-04-01 作者:奥丁
茶饮趋势编辑 2025年04月01日最后更新尼加拉瓜Matagalpa马塔加尔帕产区FincaMierischDelicia愉悦庄园<,专业咖啡知识交流 更多咖啡豆资讯 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style )米耶瑞诩 愉悦庄园 波本 蜜处理 Finca Mierisch Delicias Bourbon Pulped Na
茶饮趋势编辑 2025年04月01日最后更新尼加拉瓜Matagalpa马塔加尔帕产区FincaMierischDelicia愉悦庄园。

专业咖啡知识交流 更多咖啡豆资讯 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style )

  • 米耶瑞诩 愉悦庄园 波本 蜜处理 Finca Mierisch Delicias Bourbon Pulped Natural ■ 国家:尼加拉瓜 ■ 产区:马塔加尔帕 ■ 海拔:800-1000米 ■ 处理方式:蜜处理 ■ 等级:SHG ■ 品种:卡杜拉 ■ 风味描述:榛果、奶油、糖果甜、果干、巧克力、Body厚实 ■ 酸质:明亮酸,可可发酵酸 ★★☆ Country: Nicaragua Location:Matagalpa Altitude:800m-1000m Processing Method:Honey processing Coffee Beans Grading:SHG Variety:Caturra Flavor Description:Hazelnut, cream, candy-like sweetness, dried fruit, chocolate, body thickness Acidity:Bright acidity, cocoa fermented acidity★★☆ 刚磨好豆时的干香,可以闻到柑橘和豌豆的清爽气息, 注入热水后的湿香,可以迎来蜂蜜和黑樱桃的甜美底蕴, 趁热啜吸入口,奶油与糖果的温润气味开始浮现萦绕, 让人彷佛沉浸在Bob Marley随意摇摆的One Love雷鬼音乐中。 米耶瑞诩家族旗下的愉悦庄园,位于尼加拉瓜北部的马塔加尔帕产区, 从1908年开始栽种咖啡至今,是家族百年得奖史上重要的成员之一。 CHÔN的主人在喝这杯咖啡时总会说: "一个全年温度在20-27℃的仙境,种出这样的好咖啡绝对是理所当然!" The fresh scent of citrus and peas can be caught in the just-grinded coffee beans; after pouring the hot water the wet coffee powder acquires honey and black cherry sweet smell. When taking a sip of hot coffee, the warm smell of cream and candy start to emerge, it feel as if you are immersed in Bob Marley's Reggae music genre "One Love"。 Mierisch Family's appealing manor, located in the northern part of Nicaragua, has been planting coffee beans since 1908, and it became one of the most important prize winners in the one hundred year of Mierisch Family history. CHÔN's owner, when having this coffee will always say: "It is absolutely natural that a wonderland with the year-round temperature of 20-27℃ will grow such great coffee beans!"
2022-05-05 08:41:22