
哥伦比亚托利马Tolima咖啡产区蒙特维庄园MonteVeder Estate 信息

发表于:2025-02-23 作者:奥丁
茶饮趋势编辑 2025年02月23日最后更新哥伦比亚托利马Tolima咖啡产区蒙特维庄园MonteVeder Estate 信息<,专业咖啡知识交流 更多咖啡豆资讯 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style )MonteVeder Estate -- 蒙特维庄园位处哥伦比亚托利马(Tolima)省分南部,海拔高度坐落一千八到
茶饮趋势编辑 2025年02月23日最后更新哥伦比亚托利马Tolima咖啡产区蒙特维庄园MonteVeder Estate 信息。

专业咖啡知识交流 更多咖啡豆资讯 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style )

  • MonteVeder Estate -- 蒙特维庄园位处哥伦比亚托利马(Tolima)省分南部,海拔高度坐落一千八到两千一百米之间。其地理位置提供了庄园良好的日照时数和降雨时节,加上高海拔的特性,蒙特维庄园有能力植栽许多特殊品种豆子,例如Geisha、WushWush、SL-28和Borbon Sidra,而非多数庄园常见的Caturra或Castillo。蒙特维庄园之可以种植这类特殊、娇贵的品种,除了上述种植上的优势,还有邻近水源的便利。蒙特维庄园附近有托利马省内重要的河流──Rio Blanco(直译为白河),几乎一年四季、不分干雨季都河水潺潺,提供庄园丰沛的水源,维持生豆后制处理的稳定度,呈现Geisha和WushWush丰富、细致的风味。
    Finca MonteVerde situates in southern Tolima, Colombia, where Caturra and Castillo are the most planted varieties, and boasts its specialties: Geisha and WushWush. Compared to Caturra and Castillo, it takes more efforts to cultivate Geisha and WushWush. Therefore, it is rare that Finca Monteverde chooses to plant the two uniquely-flavored and vulnerable varieties, which are planted between 1800 to 2100 meters above the sea level. The location of Finca Monteverde gives itself the advantages of luminosity and humanity that which benefit coffee trees. Also, with an abundant water source from Rio Blanco (White River), farmers stably produce green beans of high qualities and rich flavors.
2022-05-05 08:38:35