发表于:2025-03-29 作者:奥丁
茶饮趋势编辑 2025年03月29日最后更新melitta红色树脂滤杯与melitta橙色滤杯哪里有卖?melitta锥形滤<,专业咖啡知识交流 更多咖啡豆资讯 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style )梅丽塔滤杯 家庭号咖啡滤杯,骨董级的梦幻逸品。 手冲咖啡 手冲咖啡是由一位德国家庭主妇本茨・梅丽塔(Bentz Me
茶饮趋势编辑 2025年03月29日最后更新melitta红色树脂滤杯与melitta橙色滤杯哪里有卖?melitta锥形滤。

专业咖啡知识交流 更多咖啡豆资讯 请关注咖啡工房(微信公众号cafe_style )
- 梅丽塔滤杯 家庭号咖啡滤杯,骨董级的梦幻逸品。 手冲咖啡 手冲咖啡是由一位德国家庭主妇本茨・梅丽塔(Bentz Melitta)发明了melitta滤杯滤泡咖啡的手法。 由于梅丽塔女士十分厌恶品尝咖啡时容易卡在牙缝的咖啡渣,突发奇想将铜碗底部打洞,以吸墨水纸过滤咖啡渣,从而发明出这种可以保留咖啡纯正风味又没有咖啡渣困扰的滤泡式咖啡。1908年6月20日梅丽塔女士在皇家专利局注册他的这项发明,并且使用自己的亲笔签名Melitta作为产品注册商标。 melitta滤杯手冲咖啡的特色是可以将咖啡风味的层次变化拉开,使之更容易被感受到。 并且借由滤纸吸附咖啡本身的油脂,使风味更加清爽。除此之外更俱有许多水温、水柱大小、浇绕轨迹、上座滤杯种类等诸多因素造成千变万化的风味。 Pour-Over Coffee Pour-over coffee is a brewing method that came with German housewife Bentz Melitta's invention of coffee filter. Ms. Melitta was annoyed by the coffee grounds that stick to one's teeth when drinking coffee, so she thought of using blotting paper and a brass pot perforated using a nail to filter the grounds; hence the invention of grounds-free, pure flavored filtered coffee. The Kaiserliche Patentamt (Imperial Patent Office) granted her a patent on June 20th, 1908, and Melitta used her signature as her products' registered trademark. The benefit of pour-over coffee is that it makes a richer and more flavorful brew. The filter paper absorbs the oil from the beans, giving it a more refreshing taste. In addition, you can deliver a different cup of coffee each time by the benefit of having control over each step of coffee making process; such as water temperature, speed of the pour, pouring trajectory, types of drippers, etc. 法式滤压咖啡 法式滤压壶是米兰一位设计师安提利欧·卡利马利(Attilio Calimani)于1929年申请了滤压式咖啡的专利。 法式滤压壶是由玻璃杯与金属滤网组成的咖啡器具。法式滤压壶不如虹吸式咖啡与手冲滤泡式咖啡在冲煮上有诸多影响风味的因素,其一特色便是可以稳定的表现咖啡豆最原始风味,因为其影响风味主要变因只有萃取时间、水温、研磨粗细三大项。可以品尝出接近杯测时表现的风味。 French Press French press is a coffee brewing device patented by Italian designer Attilio Calimani in 1929. French press is made of glass and metal filter. Unlike syphon coffee or pour-over coffee which can alter the flavor by changing some factors, the benefit of French press is knowing that it can deliver a constant cup of coffee beans' original flavor. The only factors that will impact the flavor are: brew time, water temperature, and grind size. The flavor is close to what you get during coffee tasting. 虹吸咖啡 关于虹吸式咖啡的起源众说纷纭,多数已无从考证,能够确定的是它俱有比手冲咖啡等滤泡式咖啡更悠久的历史。是一种利用水沸腾产生压力帮助烹煮咖啡的方法。 虹吸壶又称为赛风壶(syphon),利用蒸馏原理萃取咖啡,能够将咖啡粉含有的芳香物质大量萃取出来。许多人对于虹吸式咖啡有一种错误的迷思,认为虹吸式咖啡相较于手冲滤泡式的咖啡是一种较次等的烹煮方式,但其实虹吸式咖啡对于喜欢厚实、圆滑口感的咖啡的民众来说,它是一个非常棒的选择。 Syphon Coffee There are different opinions on the origin of Syphon, most are unable to verify. One thing for sure is that it has a longer history than pour-over coffee. Syphon is a brewing method that uses pressure generated from boiling water to brew coffee. Syphon uses distillation principle to extract coffee, which can bring out the aromatic substances in coffee powder. Many have a wrong view of syphon coffee, that it's a lesser brewing method compared to pour-over. However syphon is a great choice for those who like thick, smooth coffee taste. 冰滴咖啡 冰滴咖啡发明于荷兰,又称为荷兰式冰咖啡滴滤器,不同于寻常使用热水萃取的咖啡,由于水温相当低,需要相当长的时间萃取浸润才能够表现出相应的浓度。 冰滴咖啡是利用冰块溶化成水,慢慢滴入咖啡粉萃取咖啡,花费时间较长,往往数小时才能够萃取完足够一人份饮用的咖啡。 冰滴咖啡俱有独特的萃取模式,也造就其独特的风味,除了咖啡豆本身的香味之外,额外带有一种类似酒的发酵感,这种发酵感能够使得咖啡更甘甜醇厚。 Cold Drip Coffee Cold drip coffee was invented in the Netherlands, also known as Dutch coffee. It uses cold water instead of hot water to brew coffee; hence it requires a longer time to extract the same coffee concentration. Cold drip coffee is the method of dissolving ice into water, and then slowly dripping it over coffee powder to extract coffee. It takes a long time, often hours, to extract enough coffee for one serving. Cold drip coffee's unique extraction method gives it a unique flavor. In addition to the aroma from the coffee beans, there's also the sense similar to fermented wine, making the coffee more sweet and mellow.